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Connect. Empower. Advocate. Our goal is to help you to achieve your goals. We are working to create a stronger, growing and competitive economy and to build vibrant communities. There are benefits to membership.


  • Ongoing networking events with discounted pricing.
  • Focused signature events with discounted pricing.
  • An enhanced page on our online Member Directory.
  • Increased visibility to generate leads.
  • Business referrals and connections to sales prospects.
  • Affinity networks for members of all sizes, sectors and segments.
  • Advertising and marketing opportunities.
  • Access to post events on our community calendar.
  • New members orientation events.


  • Ongoing peer-led educational opportunities.
  • Access to business experts and thought leaders.
  • Discover business opportunities.
  • Generate B2B partnerships and collaborations.
  • Participation in Chamber affinity and diversity networks and committees.
  • Discounted Certificates of Origin.
  • Member-to-member discounts.


  • Visibility for your organization.
  • Create goodwill and credibility through participation.
  • Access to elected and public officials through our Employer Legislative Council.
  • Chamber support for your organization.
  • Membership Advocacy Alerts on critical business issues and direct member updates.
  • Advocacy at the local, state and federal levels on behalf of our membership.
  • Support quality of life issues in our communities.
  • Effect change in Hudson County, NJ and throughout the region.

We Make it Happen! Apply for Membership Today!

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